
Quick Hitters from the Capitol (and the final chapter on HB1013)

March 31, 2022

Quick Hitters from the Capitol (and the final chapter on HB1013)

I wanted to send you a couple of quick updates – and ask for your help. We are $2,375 short on our goal for the month and would ask that […]

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Say No to Gambling Round 2

March 30, 2022

Say No to Gambling Round 2

Leading up to Crossover Day a couple of weeks ago, we ramped up our opposition to gambling. After we won that round, we warned you that more would be coming […]

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Frontline Issues First Endorsement of 2022 – Rep. Ed Setzler for Senate District 37

March 29, 2022

Frontline Issues First Endorsement of 2022 – Rep. Ed Setzler for Senate District 37

Some elections matter more than others. This is one of those races. That’s why we are proud to announce our very first endorsement of 2022 – Representative Ed Setzler for […]

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HUGE NEWS: Significant Changes to HB 1013

March 28, 2022

HUGE NEWS: Significant Changes to HB 1013

Last week I sent you a brief update on HB 1013 – that we were engaging on the bill, working with pro-family legislators on the language, and were encouraged those […]

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Biblical Citizenship Academy: Waycross

March 25, 2022

Biblical Citizenship Academy: Waycross

“Biblical Citizenship Academy was not only the best seminar I have ever attended, but it was life changing. I learned more in one day about what is really going on […]

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Enough is Enough – Take a Stand Against WOKE Depot

March 24, 2022

Enough is Enough – Take a Stand Against WOKE Depot

We cannot sit idly by. For years, Home Depot has cared more about embracing woke politics than reflecting the values of its customers. Now, they have gone too far. Recent […]

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A Justice who can’t Define Woman? Just Say No

March 23, 2022

A Justice who can’t Define Woman? Just Say No

We knew Joe Biden would nominate a radical to the Supreme Court. That’s what he promised his base! But a sad consequence of his fidelity to radicalism was realized yesterday […]

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Sine Die is Approaching – What You Need to Know

March 22, 2022

Sine Die is Approaching – What You Need to Know

When the General Assembly gavels in on Tuesday, it will be Legislative Day 33. Sine Die – the last day of session – is less than two weeks away. That […]

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Gambling Expansion was Stopped!

March 16, 2022

Gambling Expansion was Stopped!

It was a long day yesterday, but God was gracious, and we had a mighty victory because of the hard work of His people! SR 131, which would have legalized […]

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March 15, 2022


Today is crossover day – the last day for a bill to pass in its chamber of origin for it to “cross over” to the other chamber and be viable […]

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BREAKING: Frontline Announces Debate Series

March 11, 2022

BREAKING: Frontline Announces Debate Series

They want your vote. Make them earn it! Frontline Policy Action has announced that it will hold Debates in the 6th and 10th Congressional Districts.   On April 18th from […]

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Video Announcement: Two Regular Prayer Opportunities

March 7, 2022

Video Announcement: Two Regular Prayer Opportunities

The end of Roe could come by early summer – when the Dobbs decision is announced by the Supreme Court. And we know who is in control. As we wait on the Dobbs decision, […]

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