Iā€™m going to be brief ā€“ Giving Tuesday is rapidly coming up.

Giving Tuesday ā€“ and really all of year-end ā€“ is important for a non-profits, including the Frontline organizations, as we raise resources for kingdom work.

Today, I want to share some goals with you and ask you to pray over these and consider how God may call you to participate:

  1. We currently have $39,000 in matching funds. I want to hit that number BEFORE December 14th.
  2. I am praying that we raise $9,000 on Giving Tuesday alone!
  3. If we can reach these goals, I believe we can add 3 people to our team before the year ends, launch new programs, and be primed for a HIGHLY impactful legislative session.
    This ministry must grow. I see huge results from what we have already achieved yet a major calling to grow further. We cannot do this without your help.

Will you pray over these goals?

Will you consider chipping in?

I am so thankful for all you do for us, and I am honored by your consideration.

Let’s glorify Him, together!

Cole Muzio
Frontline Policy Council