I hope you read Cole’s announcement yesterday. Let me tell you – I’m SO excited to be joining the Frontline team and movement!

God has already showed out through this ministry, and I am privileged to take my pastoral calling and apply it to this work. If God’s Church does not stand up and speak to government, address the culture, and share His Word, who will?

That’s why we are so excited to launch Church Ambassador Network here in Georgia – and why we are so grateful for a $50,000 matching grant that will MATCH YOUR DONATION DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR. Will you donate $25, $100, $500, or more TODAY?

I want you to imagine this with me.

Imagine a Georgia State Capitol where pastors are coming every day to pray over, build relationships, and share the Word with leaders that God has put in authority.

Imagine our organization intentionally developing and cultivating those relationships across the state.

Imagine the impact that would have on the personal lives and spiritual walks of our leaders.

Imagine the impact that would have on the policy process.

Imagine the impact it would have on God’s Church if its leaders were fulfilling their biblical mandate to speak to the institution of government.

Imagine what would happen in our state as Frontline leads thousands of churches to increased, biblical engagement in the policy and governmental process.

God can do BIG THINGS with this, and the possibilities can be beyond imagination!

Will you stand with us? Your generous donation will be MATCHED DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR up to $50,000 so please give TODAY!

I am so ready to serve and so ready to connect ministers of the Church with God’s appointed leaders in government. I strongly believe that this is what’s needed!

Please let us know how we can partner with you and your church, and please keep this ministry in your prayers. I look forward to connecting with you more in the coming weeks and months.

On the Frontline,

Scott McInnis
Frontline Policy Council