Save Our State – Vote Brian Kemp for Governor TODAY!

Georgia is on the line, and EARLY VOTING STARTS TODAY.

Join us in voting for 4 more years of conservative leadership - 4 more years of Governor Brian Kemp.

To view our initial endorsement of Governor Kemp, click here.

To view our running list of endorsed candidates, click here.

To view our Frontline Policy Action biblical voter guides, click here.

For the last four years, Brian Kemp has delivered conservative results. He signed the nation’s leading pro-life law, kept our state open during COVID, led the charge for the SB 202, and championed our Save Our Students Agenda - ridding schools of obscenity, protecting parental rights, saving girls’ sports, and banning racist indoctrination.

Brian Kemp has been a great Governor of Georgia, and he has led with integrity and class. He has sought to honor God and do right by the people. And he has earned re-election.

Stacey Abrams, on the other hand, offers a very different direction for Georgia. She believes in big government, lockdowns, and mandates. She has done a full embrace of the Biden Agenda, and she actively undermines election integrity. Stacey wants full gambling expansion, boys playing girls’ sports, and schools to be weaponized against parents.

What’s worse, though, is Stacey Abrams’ abortion-on-demand extremism - a radical view that she cloaks in false religiosity and denials about what science really tells us. Stacey has shaken her fist at biblical truth and biological realities, proving time and again that she is disqualified from attaining power.

Georgia is on the line, my friends. But, today, the power is in your hands.

REVIEW YOUR MY VOTER PAGE to learn more about when and where to vote early, beginning TODAY!

Let’s Save Georgia together. Let’s vote Brian Kemp for Governor!

Standing with Kemp,

Cole MuzioPresident,Frontline Policy

Headshot - Standing - Cropped

Paid for by FPA


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