Frontline Endorses Chris Carr for Attorney General

With early voting set to start next week, Frontline Policy Action is proud to endorse Attorney General Chris Carr for re-election.

As we have seen in recent years, the Attorney General’s position is critical. It can be used for good - keeping bad guys off the streets, enforcing laws, and promoting the public interest. Or it can be weaponized for evil - targeting political enemies, silencing the opposition, and ignoring the rule of law.

This choice, the two divergent paths of the office, is on the ballot this November.

Chris Carr has been attentive to the needs of the people, and he has been an advocate for what is right. He has abided by the law, upheld the US Constitution and the Constitution of Georgia, and sought to stay within the bounds of his office. In his position, he has been an instrumental leader in the fight against crime and human trafficking.

And, despite intense opposition from the radical pro-abortion movement, Chris Carr has played a critical role in defending and implementing Georgia’s Heartbeat Law - doing what is right for the cause of life and doing his duty as Attorney General of Georgia.

Jen Jordan, on the other hand, offers a different take on the position. Having entrenched herself as one of the most radical ideologues in the Georgia State Senate, we can trust that Jen Jordan will always put Far Left politics over constitutional obligation.

She has built her reputation on her pro-abortion extremism, lies about election integrity, opposition to parental rights, commitment to boys playing girls sports, and a belief in the Biden Big Government Agenda.

What makes Jen Jordan most dangerous, however, is her proud admission that she will ignore Georgia law and do what she wants to do - unrestrained by the duties and obligations of her office. Much like Biden’s AG Merrick Garland, Jen Jordan will weaponize the office - imposing her will to undermine our laws and attack political enemies.

I am proud to call Chris Carr a friend - both personally and a friend to this organization. He has always been responsive, fair, thoughtful, and eager to serve.

Now, though, there has never been a clearer and more important time to stand with Chris Carr. The difference between him and his opponent are clear, and the rule of law is on the line. If you want to see how the state can be weaponized against people, vote for his opponent. If you, like me, wish to see laws upheld, citizens safe and protected, and freedoms defended - VOTE FOR CHRIS CARR!

Standing with Chris Carr,

Cole MuzioPresident,Frontline Policy

Headshot - Standing - Cropped


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