The Seven Attributes I Look for in a Political Leader

Following the recent conclusion of the legislative session, where we witnessed both commendable and questionable leadership, my thoughts have turned to the upcoming elections and the characteristics Christians should seek in their elected representatives.

In today’s partisan climate, we so often set our expectations low. We see an election cycle as something where we simply cast our vote for the “better” option, or, as is often the case, the “lesser of two evils.” Because voting is often a binary choice where the choices are less-than-stellar, we have perhaps stopped asking what makes a political leader “good.”

Here are seven attributes I consider:

  • Faith-filled Submission - Someone who has a biblical worldview that permeates their life and who views public office as a “calling” that results in humble submission and obedience to God’s Word, not man’s opinion.

  • Personal Integrity - Good leaders speak honestly, uphold their obligations, and prioritize the foundational things - like being a good and faithful spouse or parent - over the public things.

  • Understanding of the Times - One cannot hope to win a battle if one does not understand the battlefield. We need leaders who understand the times we live in and both the opportunities and challenges before us.

  • Kingdom Vision - In today’s culture, leaders far too often reflect rather than lead. We need godly men and women who can set a biblically sound course for our future and rally others to it.

  • Persistent Courage - This world is not our home, and we will see struggles and defeats. Scripture promises persecution and a difficult road. A leader who is ready to win must be persistent in showing courage.

  • Inspired Hope - Even in the midst of darkness, we know we serve a King who has already claimed the victory. Hope, more than fear or anger, will inspire the generations and point people to Christ.

  • Principled Statesmanship - Results matter. Statesmen know how to build relationships, leverage the process, and set sights on lasting victory - even if the wins are not always as complete as we want at a given time. Without compromising principles, statesmen deliver meaningful impact for those they serve.

I’ll be honest, there are very few leaders that I've seen who embody even 2 or 3 of these traits, let alone all. But that doesn’t mean that leaders who fail to meet this standard cannot earn your vote.

Nevertheless, it also does not reduce the standard.

This is the type of person we want. This is the type of person we call our candidates to be.

Donald Trump has recently put out a statement on abortion. While rightfully acknowledging both his role in ending the tyranny of Roe and the satanic extremism of the other side, the former President stated a “follow your heart” position that I simply do not agree with.

And, I’m not going to hesitate to say so.

That does not mean I’m “anti-Trump.” It does not mean I’m changing my planned choice for this November.

It does, however, mean that I will continue to call our leaders to look higher and encourage our audience to expect more. And, as Frontline continues to build and plan for the long haul, we can build a movement capable of fulfilling those aspirations.

As we engage in this election cycle and throughout this process, let us remember that our witness is not defined solely by what we do at the ballot box. For all the “Never Trumpers” out there who claim that someone’s witness is harmed simply by voting for a deeply flawed candidate, that is just silly.

Our witness is, however, harmed if we sound more like a candidate or a party by adopting their positions or embracing every move they make. We can best advocate for our candidates, build a better future, and honor God by keeping our eyes fixed on His principles and His standards.

Let us model a strong biblical witness throughout 2024 and beyond,

Cole Muzio

President, Frontline Policy


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