BREAKING: Frontline Issues 2024 Endorsements

Early voting has begun, and election day - May 21st - is approaching!

Around the state, other legislative and local races will also be decided. As the ONLY statewide conservative organization with a track record of trusted endorsements, we are excited to announce a series of endorsements beginning today. 

Make sure you and your family have a plan to vote and support pro-family candidates! As a reminder, if you would like to check your precinct location or see a sample ballot, go to and enter your info. Don’t forget to tell like-minded friends and family to make a plan to go vote

We are excited to announce the following endorsements for 2024 so that Christians and pro-family conservatives across our state know who to support at the ballot box. This is an ongoing list, so check back here for more updates and endorsements:

  • Justice Andrew Pinson for Georgia Supreme Court

  • State Representative Brad Thomas (HD-21)

  • State Representative Todd Jones (HD-25)

  • State Representative Derrick McCollum (HD-30)

  • State Representative Jan Jones (HD-47)

  • State Representative Lauren Daniel (HD-81)

  • State Representative David Clark (HD-100)

  • State Representative Marcus Wiedower (HD-121)

  • State Representative Joe Campbell (HD-171)

  • State Representative Steven Sainz (HD-180)

  • State Senator Ben Watson (SD-1)

  • State Senator Larry Walker (SD-20)

  • State Senator Rick Williams (SD-25)

  • Baron Reinhold for Gwinnett County Sheriff

  • Justice Nwaigwe for Gwinnett County Commission Chairman

  • Courtney Kramer for Fulton County District Attorney

All of the above are in competitive races. In the case of the 12 legislative incumbents, this endorsement is not an indictment of their opponents. It is, instead, a recognition of the partnership we have enjoyed with these legislators and the results we have achieved with them.

In the two local Gwinnett races, we have seen overwhelming support behind Baron and Justice and believe them to be stellar candidates - though we do not have anything negative to say about their opponents. In Fulton County, we believe that Courtney Kramer will do an incredible job, and there is substantial reason to fire her opponent. 

For support quotes and graphics on these endorsements, see below:

Not enough people are talking about this race, and that needs to change.

In his time on the bench, Andrew Pinson has embodied what our Founders envisioned for a judge. He applies the law as written, blindly and without prejudice, and he respects the God-given rights of our citizens. Fair, impartial, and eminently qualified, Justice Pinson can be trusted to uphold the Constitution, do what is right, and never impose his own biases or perspectives.

I am proud to endorse Justice Andrew Pinson, and I am calling on every Frontline supporter to vote in earnest, rally their friends to the polls, and engage their church in this race!

State Representative Brad Thomas (HD 21):

Brad Thomas doesn’t mince words. He’s a leader who fights for what’s right with a voice of principle and action. In his short time in the legislature, he’s been at the forefront of protecting children from predators, ridding our schools of wicked ideologies, and looking ahead to fix the problems of the future. Solutions-minded leaders are hard to find, and we are proud to stand with one such champion - Rep. Brad Thomas.

State Representative Todd Jones (HD 25):

Without the tireless efforts of Todd Jones, the significant advancement Georgia has made in ensuring educational opportunity for every child would not have been possible. A staunch advocate for freedom, champion for the right to life, and force against the expansion of predatory gambling, Todd Jones is a dear friend and ally and undoubtedly one of the most effective conservative voices at the Capitol. He has my full support and endorsement.

State Representative Derrick McCollum (HD 30):

Georgia is experiencing an unprecedented wave of conservative victories at the State Capitol - whether championing life, freedom, expanding opportunities, fighting against indoctrination, or cleaning up our elections. Derrick McCollum is one of the rising leaders making this resurgence possible, and he has quickly emerged as one of Frontline’s most reliable legislators. We are proud to endorse Derrick McCollum for re-election.

State Representative Jan Jones (HD 47):

Few in the legislature care as passionately for the schools, teachers, parents, and schoolchildren in Georgia as does Jan Jones. As we have seen a continuous stream of legislation from the Capitol that puts students and parents at the forefront, removes indoctrination, shows support for teachers, and expands opportunities, Jan Jones has been an effective and indispensable champion in the battle for the next generation.

State Representative Lauren Daniel (HD 81): 

Lauren Daniel is the kind of leader we need—dedicated, results-driven, and passionate about making a difference. She’s an unapologetic mom who fights for Georgia families, ensuring that their voices are heard in the State House. While some are content to ride out the clock and avoid issues deemed “controversial,” Lauren understands the stakes, rises to meet the challenge, and leads her colleagues toward - rather than away from - the fight. Her strong, principled leadership has earned conservative support for re-election.

State Representative David Clark (HD 100):

The passion for the cause and for his country that David Clark carries with him is evident everywhere he goes. At the State Capitol, David has emerged as a reliable conservative ally who is unafraid to take a strong stand yet willing and eager to join with colleagues to fix the problems plaguing our state. We need more passionate, next-generation leaders in the battles ahead, and we support David’s re-election bid.

State Representative Marcus Wiedower (HD 121):

Throughout his time in office, Marcus Wiedower has represented a competitive district. While striving to serve his constituents, he has never wavered on core principles - doing the right thing, even when it is not politically easy. The fortitude of Marcus Wiedower is rare and needed under the Gold Dome, and we are proud to stand with our good friend as he seeks to continue to stand for our shared conservative values in the State House.

State Representative Joe Campbell (HD 171):

Joe Campbell is a man who truly loves and fights for his district. The issues of expanding educational freedom and opportunity, protecting and growing Georgia’s Ag industry, and fighting for economic opportunities for every Georgian have been at the forefront of his advocacy and leadership at the Capitol. His cheerful approach and sensible voice on the problems that face our state have earned our full support for re-election.

State Representative Steven Sainz (HD 180):

A strong ally for our values, Steven has been a staunch advocate for law enforcement, for deterring evil, and standing for what’s right. He was instrumental in getting obscene materials out of schools, and he has not wavered on our conservative principles. During this legislative session, Steven was a champion for religious freedom, and he has become one of our most trusted and effective conservative allies under the Gold Dome.

State Senator Ben Watson (SD 1)

This past legislative session, Frontline was proud to work with Lt. Governor Burt Jones and State Senator Ben Watson to protect children from radical gender ideology and to ban puberty blockers for the purpose of gender reassignment. Because of their leadership, we overcame intense opposition from the radical left and came closer than anyone thought possible. Now, we are proud to join the Lt. Governor in supporting Senator Watson’s re-election so that we can finish the drill, protect these vulnerable children, and send a clear signal that our state rewards bold, conservative action.

State Senator Larry Walker (SD 20)

Throughout his time in the Georgia General Assembly, Larry Walker has earned a reputation as one of the most effective and knowledgeable members under the Gold Dome. Time and again, he has used those traits to advance the conservative cause. This session, Larry was the foremost champion working to protect our children from the wicked agendas of organizations seeking to indoctrinate and sexualize them from a young age. We are proud to count Larry Walker as a friend and ally in the battle for the next generation.

State Senator Rick Williams (SD 25)

An unquestioned conservative, Rick Williams has built a great reputation as a problem-solver and leader. However, what sets Rick apart is his passion and zeal for the vulnerable. He’s never scared of the big fights, and he’s willing to go toe-to-toe with the special interests who do not care for the value and rights of “the little guy.” Frontline has been privileged to partner with Rick Williams and urges his re-election to the State Senate.

Baron Reinhold for Gwinnett County Sheriff

Possessing a blend of unique qualifications, relentless work ethic, toughness, faith, and conservative principles, Baron Reinhold is the candidate who can restore the rule of law to Gwinnett County. Now is a time for leaders who are unafraid to do the right thing and won’t cave to woke pressure. Baron Reinhold will restore sanity and order and keep our communities safe. We are proud to join former Sheriff Butch Conway in endorsing this made-for-the-moment candidate.

Justice Nwaigwe for Gwinnett County Commission Chairman

Rarely does a local candidate generate much enthusiasm. Normally, the campaigns are on a smaller scale, and the candidates are newer and less experienced. In the case of Justice Nwaigwe, however, there is rare excitement over the candidacy of a budding star in the conservative movement. Energetic, passionate, and possessing outstanding experience, Justice is building the coalition that can reclaim ground in Gwinnett and save the county from the tyranny of the left. We are proud to endorse this principled conservative.

Courtney Kramer (Fulton DA):

While supporters of Donald Trump may reflexively disapprove of Fani Willis’ prosecution of the former president, all Fulton County residents have seen their trust and confidence abused by their out-of-control District Attorney. Her public preening, targeting of private citizens, personal relationships, ignorance of the law, and reckless disregard for public safety and order have placed citizens of Georgia’s largest county at risk. Thankfully, Courtney Kramer is a tough-minded, effective, and highly skilled attorney who understands the importance of law without prejudice or politics. She’s running to be District Attorney to restore trust in Fulton County, and we are proud to support her candidacy.

More to be announced!


The Seven Attributes I Look for in a Political Leader


BREAKING: Frontline Endorses Justice Andrew Pinson