Frontline Endorses Mike Collins for Congress

Some endorsements – including ones we are issuing in other congressional runoffs – can be challenging because you are dealing with two good candidates. That is not the case in Congressional District 10.Frontline endorses Mike Collins for Congress as the only candidate willing to stand up for the unborn and advocate for conservative, pro-family values.I have previously written about Vernon Jones’ documented pro-abortion track record, and you can find that detailed piece here. A look at Mr. Jones’ personal and political record shows him unfit for Congress and an unacceptable choice in this election. We cannot have a lifelong liberal who voted “NO” on the Heartbeat Bill (TWICE!) representing the 10th District in Congress!That’s why I am urging Frontline voters across the 10th Congressional District to turn out in large numbers to support Mike Congress in this pivotal election.Over the course of this campaign, I have watched the 10th District closely. I declined to endorse in the first round because I knew the most important thing for us was ensuring Vernon Jones was not elected to Congress. In a soon-to-be post-Roe world, the 10th Congressional District cannot afford to send a lifelong abortion supporter to Washington, DC. Now is not the time for risk, nor is it a time to trust the untrustworthy. Now is a time for proven leaders.Mike Collins has proven that he will fight for life, stand for what’s right, and be a bold, unafraid conservative in Congress.I have yet to see a candidate for Congress enjoy knocking on doors as much as Mike Collins, and that tells you a lot about who he is. He’s down to earth. He’s a worker. And he cares about the people of this district.He’s lived in the 10th, he knows the 10th, and he holds the values of the 10th – yet another stark contrast with his DeKalb-based opponent.As we approach this runoff – one I believe is the single most consequential in the entire state – there are two realities every Frontline voter needs to be aware of:

  1. More than 52% of the district voted for a candidate who did not make the runoff, and
  2. Turnout is going to be very low.

If you did not vote for Mike Collins in Round 1, it may be because you liked another candidate, or it may have been because you really didn’t like Mike Collins. I implore you – please throw your support behind the conservative trucker this go around!Every vote matters. In a low turnout race, Mike needs to get his supporters back to the polls and turn out voters who supported the other candidates – most of whom have already publicly backed Mike.This is one we cannot afford to lose. We cannot replace Jody Hice with a pro-abortion lifelong Democrat who built up loads and loads of baggage in DeKalb County.Mike Collins is a friend, ally, and a true conservative. On or before June 21st, I hope he will have your vote.To Victory,Cole MuzioPresident,Frontline Policy


Frontline Endorses Mark Gonsalves for Congress


Frontline Endorses Rich McCormick for Congress