BREAKING: Frontline Endorses Josh McKay for State Senate District 7

One of the top races throughout our state is Senate District 7 – where Josh McKay is facing off against a radical socialist who represents California interests, not Georgia values.

Frontline Policy Action is proud to endorse Josh McKay in his bid for State Senate!

Josh McKay is a husband, father, business leader, and educator who understands the needs, interests, and shared values of this community. He believes firmly in school choice and he stands strongly for our values. In this economy, he understands what will create jobs and what will reduce inflation, and he is committed to keeping our communities safe.

His opponent, on the other hand, believes boys should be playing girls sports, supports abortion-on-demand, indoctrination of kids, Bernie Sanders style economics, and the Defund the Policy movement. She is one of the most dangerous and radical candidates running across our state.

We cannot afford to lose this race!

Josh McKay is a good man, and he is being falsely attacked with dollars from California and New York. He needs this community to stand with him so that he can deliver results, fight for your interests, and speak up on the issues that matter most to this district.

Please vote for my friend Josh McKay TODAY!

For Freedom,

Cole MuzioPresident,Frontline Policy


Reminder – Vote for Scott Hilton for State House District 48


Reminder – Vote Burt Jones for LG