Frontline Endorses Jody Hice for Secretary of State

As a Secretary of State in 2022 America, especially 2022 Georgia, it’s imperative to realize a critical truth: there is a political movement for whom a key tenet of the orthodoxy is a right to cheat in elections.

The radical left clings to unverifiable voting and they're willing to attack the character and integrity of anyone willing to stand up for secure elections. It takes a warrior to be Secretary of State in these times - someone who won’t back down, understands the stakes, and will zealously guard our right to one person, one vote.

That’s why we are proud to endorse Jody Hice for Secretary of State.I’ve had the privilege of knowing Jody for several years. As a former pastor, Jody is grounded in faith, and our issues have always been central to who he is and why he does what he does. I know that he is a man rooted in our values, committed to integrity, and devoted to Jesus.Those same traits will carry into how he conducts himself as Secretary of State. The person in this role needs to be above reproach. It needs to be a person of character and a person of resolve, someone with a firm foundation from which they can take the relentless attacks. Secretary of State is not an ideological position. It is not one that should push a political agenda. But it is one for which fortitude is needed to resist an active and aggressive political agenda that undermines our democracy.Jody Hice has the guts and the grit to get it done, and he has proven it in the pulpit as a pastor and as a member of Congress in Washington.Because so much has been made about the incumbent and reasons for change, I do not feel the need to dive into that here. Brad Raffensperger has faced unrelenting and withering attacks - some of them fair and policy-based while others are unfair and personal. Let me say this: I know Brad Raffensperger. I consider him to be a friend and a good man. While we question many of his political and policy decisions and support going in a different direction for the position, I believe him to be a brother-in-Christ, and that will characterize how I communicate about him.As I travel the state, however, there is an overwhelming desire and need to see confidence restored. The movement as a whole must have confidence both in our election integrity laws and in the vigilance of the official overseeing our elections. And, while there are other great candidates in this race, all signs point to Jody as the clear leading challenger.I am proud to support my friend Jody Hice and his candidacy for Secretary of State. I believe he is the battle tested, principled leader of resolve that we need in this position, and I know that he is someone who cares deeply about the issues that matter most.

Proud to Stand with Jody Hice,

Cole MuzioPresident,Frontline Policy


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