Frontline Endorses Brent Cox for State House - Vote Tomorrow!

Tomorrow’s runoff election is a pivotal opportunity for conservatives to set the tone for big wins next legislative session.That’s why we are encouraging everyone to research the candidates and exercise their right to vote!And it’s why we are proud to announce our endorsement of Brent Cox for State House!Brent Cox has devoted his life to service, to coaching, and improving his community. He understands North Georgia, and he is committed to his faith and to his family.As we approach pivotal battles against the radical left, it is imperative that we elect strong conservatives who will stand for life 100%, put students and parents first, advance religious freedom, and protect God’s Design. We believe Brent will be that pro-family champion.However, Brent will not stand alone. We are excited about our growing ranks of Frontline friends and allies at the Capitol, and few are more important to our cause than Rep. Will Wade.We were first introduced to Brent through Will - the sponsor of legislation to end racial indoctrination in our schools and protect fairness in sports. Here’s what Will had to say about Brent:“Brent Cox is a steadfast Christian who is a solid conservative Republican. He has given to his community year after year by coaching youth football, being involved in his church, and being focused on serving others. He had a solid background in engineering and business and will bring a servant's heart to the Gold Dome.If you want someone who has a solid foundation, consistency in their character, and a willingness to roll up their sleeves to get good things done, then cast your vote for Brent Cox.”That’s high praise from one of our top partners at the Capitol!Let’s grow our ranks of bold conservative leaders. Let’s send Brent Cox to the Capitol. And let’s keep fighting for more big wins ahead!To Victory,

Cole Muzio


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Frontline Endorses Dr. Alexis Williams for School Board