Defend SB 202 – Vote Brad Raffensperger for Secretary of State

In 2021, Georgia passed SB 202 - the nation’s leading election integrity law according to Heritage Action. This law keeps it easy to vote in Georgia while making it harder to cheat, and, regardless of whether you feel it is perfect, it takes a massive leap forward in securing Georgia’s elections.

During the fight for this bill, FAR LEFT radical Rep. Bee Nguyen was a vocal opponent. She lied about the bill, supported Stacey Abrams’ crusade against it, and, she ultimately voted no.

Bee Nguyen is now running for Secretary of State on the platform of undermining election integrity.

During the same fight for SB 202, incumbent Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger expressed his support for the bill, lobbied for its passage, and championed renewed efforts for election integrity in Georgia.

SB 202 and Georgia’s election integrity are on the line, and that’s why we are endorsing Brad Raffensperger as the clear choice for Secretary of State.

In the primary, we endorsed one of Brad’s opponents for the role. I did not vote for Brad in that election, and neither did many receiving this email. Nevertheless, he emerged victorious - running a great campaign and winning without a runoff.

Now, as we head into November 8th, we have a choice - Brad Raffensperger versus Bee Nguyen. For those of us who care for principled government, it is a clear choice - we need to vote for Brad Raffensperger.

Over the years, I have gotten to know Brad and personally like him. I would never malign his character or intentions. As I’ve traveled the state, however, I have heard from many of you that feel a strong opposition to him. Let me say three things as an encouragement to you as I implore you to stand with me in re-electing our Secretary of State:

1. Brad Raffensperger is a conservative and a Christian - In his time in the State House, Brad built a record of standing up for life, for freedom, and for families. I know him to be a man of faith, and he has put great people of faith in some key positions in his office. While there are valid disagreements and discussions to be had, I trust that Brad Raffensperger supports the biblical values we hold dear.2. Brad Raffensperger supports SB 202 - Many assert that Brad did not do enough to ensure election integrity in 2020. There are fair criticisms on that front. Nevertheless, Brad Raffensperger supports our new election law, believes in its implementation, and would not actively undermine these protections. Having a Secretary of State who will uphold the law is vital, and Brad Raffensperger is committed to doing that.3. Bee Nguyen is a dangerous radical who opposes election integrity - As a member of the State House, Bee Nguyen has been one of the most vitriolic and hostile to our values members. She is a pro-abortion extremist, opposes religious freedom and parental rights, and believes firmly in the power of the state. She would weaponize the Secretary of State’s office to ensure Georgia would never have a free and fair election on her watch. Quite frankly, handing her power is dangerous and cannot be allowed to happen.

In this election, I am choosing to vote for a good man with whom I have had some disagreements. I am voting for someone who shares my core values and my faith. I am voting for someone who supports our laws and who will strive to uphold them.

I am also voting against a radical candidate - one who will undermine our laws, who will actively use the office to achieve political victories for extremist candidates, and who has exhibited open hostility to the values we hold dear.

I am voting for Brad Raffensperger for Secretary of State in order to protect the State of Georgia and SB 202, and I hope you will join me.

For Election Integrity,

Cole MuzioPresident,Frontline Policy


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