Last Call to Register for Dobbsiversary Celebration

Let’s be real – you know you want to join us for the Dobbsiversary Celebration. It’s where all the cool people will be.And, we also know this – you can just show up, unregistered, and you know I’ll just deal with it. It can be your own private little rebellion.But, here’s the thing: we are going to buy food, and we need as accurate of a head count as possible. Plus, your registration allows us to communicate any last-minute updates with you. PLEASE REGISTER TO ATTEND THIS EVENT TODAY!Now, if you, for some strange reason, are not yet sold on attending, I want to humbly ask you to come.The Event will begin at 11:00AM on Saturday (June 24th) and will take place at Liberty Plaza (right across from the Capitol).We do not thank God often enough for arguably the greatest miracle of our time. Through His sovereign plan, a Supreme Court vacancy was opened, it was kept open through an election, an improbably presidential upset occurred, the initial vacancy was filled, another opened, the most contentious SCOTUS battle of our time was undertaken, the vacancy was miraculously filled, another opened mere weeks before an election, and that one, too was filled. Then, through His orchestrated plan a case made its way to the Court in a way that allowed those 3 judges to join with others to overturn the atrocity of Roe.Along the way, God has used incredible, unforeseen circumstances, deeply flawed people, and a story only He could write.He deserves our praise, and this Anniversary of Dobbs – the overturning of Roe – is worthy of celebration. This will not be your typical political rally. There will be FREE food and bouncy houses. We will worship and we will pray. There will be fellowship and fun. And, there will be great speakers.On top of all that, we are collecting diapers for moms in need – to truly show the love of Christ! BRING DIAPERS OR OTHER RESOURCES FOR THESE SPECIAL WOMEN!I humbly ask you to join us for this special time. REGISTER HERE TODAY!Cole MuzioPresident,Frontline PS - If you absolutely cannot join us in person, please consider a generous donation to help us fund this event, the purchase of diapers, and our ongoing pro-life work. DONATE $10, $100, or $1,000 HERE TODAY!


Standing Up Against Evil


What’s Next in the Fight for Life – Part 3