Frontline's 2024 Priority Bill Tracker

Last updated February 10, 2024


Religious Freedom Restoration Act (SB 180)

Frontline continues to work alongside Sen. Ed Setzler to advocate for SB 180, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. As a reminder, Governor Kemp has promised to sign a “clean” version of RFRA, matching the federal model, as represented in this bill. While we have not yet received a hearing, we are active and prayerful toward the goal of making sure Georgia joins the majority of the nation in recognizing and protecting this fundamental First Amendment right.

STOP Act (HB 840)

Protecting the innocence of our children is a non-negotiable, particularly in light of the increasing prevalence of obscene performances witnessed by our kids. Protecting Minors from Explicit Performances, or the STOP Act prevents such exposure.  We are currently refining the language of this bill, sponsored by Rep. Tim Fleming, and we expect it to be ready for Committee soon.

The Equality in Financial Services Act (HB 1205)

We are excited to announce that The Equality in Financial Services Act – which protects consumers by providing transparency and safeguarding against politicized debanking – dropped this past Thursday! We have been hard at work in collaboration with Rep. Todd Jones to prevent large banks and payment processors from discriminating against customers because of their religious or political speech or views.

Age-Verification for Pornography (HB 910)

To protect children from underage exposure to harmful material, HB 910 mandates stringent age verification on websites displaying pornographic content. Further language changes are being made and we anticipate this bill, sponsored by Rep. Rick Jasperse, to be ready for Committee soon. Further language changes are being made and we anticipate this bill, sponsored by Rep. Rick Jasperse, to be ready for Committee hearings soon.

Parents Rights in Medical Decision-Making

Frontline is working on vital legislation to fully protect and enshrine parental rights in medical decisions with legislation that we expect to drop soon.

Clean Libraries Act (SB 394)

This bill creates a two-tiered system of ratings on sexual content in school libraries, fully banning all of those classified as “harmful material to minors” from Georgia schools and restricting other materials with any said content to parental consent only, even if it does not meet the threshold of GA’s “harmful to minors” definition. This is an incredible initiative to protect children from content that has no place in schools. We are finalizing language, and hope to have a hearing on this before the Senate Education Committee soon.

Accurate Pregnancy Information (HB 1036)

This bill, sponsored by Rep. Lauren Daniels, requires an ultrasound to be shown to high school students, reinforcing the reality of pregnancy and the truth about human development. We expect additional movement on this bill in the next week.

Barring the American Library Association from Georgia Taxpayer Funds (SB 390)

This past Wednesday, we testified on behalf of SB 390 - a bill to bar the increasingly radicalized American Library Association from Georgia taxpayer funds. We expect SB 390 to pass out of Committee next week.

Women's Bill of Rights (HB 1128)

Last week, we were proud to announce that Frontline has been proud to work alongside Rep. Jodi Lott to draft the Women’s Bill of Rights. Right now, the radical left is trying to completely redefine what the word "woman" means. As a result, women and girls face significant challenges in both fairness and safety. Girls' athletic scholarships are being taken by biological men, intact males are gaining access to women's shelters, and data on women's health, crime, education, and economic status is being compromised by the misuse of basic sex-based terminology. We are anticipating will receive a Committee hearing soon.

Safe Spaces (HB 936)

Further language changes are being made and we anticipate this bill, sponsored by Rep. Josh Bonner, to be ready for Committee hearings soon.

Released-Time Religious Education

Frontline has been working for over a year with legislators on an initiative to fully support Released-Time Religious Education programs statewide, and we are excited to say it looks like that will come to fruition this year! This bill by our friend Rep. Scott Hilton will ensure local communities can begin these programs - where students are “released” during school hours weekly for parent-permitted, privately funded, and off-school-property Bible classes - and provide for a structure of academic credit for these courses. We are excited about the potential of classes all over the state teaching the Word of God to public school kids!


The Georgia Promise Scholarship Act (SB 233)

We ask all of you to remain prayerful for School Choice and the passage of SB 233. Last year, we fell six votes short of final passage in the Georgia State House. Since then, two of the “Yes” vote seats have become vacant. It will likely be later in the session before we see movement on this bill, but we are not resting. We firmly believe that school choice is the greatest tool to advance the family, protect our values, and improve educational results across our state. Every single day, our team is working to secure the votes needed for passage.

Protecting Georgia's Children on Social Media Act of 2024 (SB 351)

We are GRATEFUL for the opportunity to support the efforts of Lt. Governor Burt Jones and Sen. Jason Anavitarte, good friends of our organization, to protect kids from social media abuse. This is a key issue for these conservative leaders, and we have been honored to work with them in preparation for moving legislation forward. We look forward to supporting this initiative every step of the way and are likely to see some action on this bill in the coming week.

PRAISE Act (HB 925)

Last Wednesday, the House Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee passed the PRAISE Act (Protecting Religious Assemblies In States of Emergency), one of Frontline’s priority bills to protect religious freedom this session. If passed, this bill guarantees that future states of emergency cannot be weaponized to abuse or restrict individuals' right to gather and worship. During the Committee Hearing, the Frontline Strategy team and several Church Ambassador Network pastors testified on behalf of the PRAISE Act. CAN Director Scott McInnis stated in his testimony, “The church is a place of comfort during times of trouble… we ask that you pass this bill to protect the rights of Georgians to worship as they see fit.” We are grateful to Frontline legislative ally Rep. Steven Sainz for sponsoring this important legislation!

Prohibiting and Penalizing Doxxing (SB 182)

This past Tuesday, we submitted a strong letter of support for this bipartisan bill to prohibit and penalize doxxing - the act of publishing someone's personal, confidential information on the internet, often with malicious intent. We expect it to pass out of Committee in the next week or two.


Sports Betting Expansion (SB 386)

Last week, SB 386 passed in the Senate, but will now require a constitutional amendment. This means a separate Senate Resolution bearing the language of the constitutional amendment will now have to pass, with the threshold, being 2/3 of both chambers. While this is a high bar to reach, they may be successful, and we ask you to remain in prayer and take action so that it will not be successful!


BREAKING: Frontline Endorses Justice Andrew Pinson


Week 2 Session Recap