Frontline Celebrates 1 Year Anniversary

What a year it has been!Last July, we officially launched the Frontline organizations, and I am amazed at what God has done – a true testament to His faithfulness, your steadfast support, and the commitment of our allies. God is good!My wife, Spencer, and I moved here in 2017 with our – at the time – two sons to launch Family Policy Alliance of Georgia. We felt the call to Georgia and to this work, and we had no idea what to expect. As our vision grew and as the movement wanted to return to the original vision of Focus on the Family, it became clear that we needed to relaunch the effort.

Cole, his wife Spencer, and their two eldest children.

After a lot of work and a big leap of faith, you saw the announcement for the Frontline organizations – Frontline Policy Council and Frontline Policy Action, which became official on July 1, 2021. Now, we are asking you to help us celebrate this month by helping us raise $50,000 in July.Support Frontline Policy Council’s education and policy efforts with a generous tax-deductible donation here.Support Frontline Policy Action’s lobbying and election efforts with a generous donation (not tax-deductible) here.Support the Frontline mission by purchasing a ticket or sponsorship to the United Frontline Gala – featuring keynote speaker Mike Pompeo – here.Supporting each of these efforts helps us reach our goal and expand our impact.The past year has been a whirlwind. Last September, we hosted Kayleigh McEnany and held our biggest ever event, our Launch Gala, with a capacity-sized 350 people in attendance. There, I made some big promises. I am proud to share that we are meeting and exceeding those big targets.Frontline Policy Council has, as promised, launched the Frontline Church Leadership Coalition to serve and connect faith leaders and their churches; the Frontline Conservative Business Alliance to network, serve, and advocate for conservative businesses; and the From the Frontline Podcast as another vehicle for information for people of faith.Our Biblical Citizenship Academy program, launched just last year, has become the standard for Christian training in winsome, Christ-honoring political engagement. We have held numerous trainings in metro Atlanta, have held a Save Our Students-specific event, and have ventured into other parts of the state with events in Waycross and Thomasville.

Frontline President Cole Muzio speaking with a panel at our Save Our Students BCA.

A crowd of attendees at our SOS BCA hears about how to fight for our students in Georgia schools.

Frontline also ramped up its legislative engagement – conducting polling on key issues, supplying legislators with talking points, and producing a research guide to ensure our allies could boldly advocate for our values.This legislative session, we set a historic agenda – one that including banning vaccine passports, unmasking our kids, protecting parental rights, saving girls sports, ridding our schools and libraries of obscenity, and banning divisive Marxist ideologies from our schools.With your help, the leadership of Governor Kemp, and the support of our allies, that agenda was passed, and we ushered in the most conservative legislative session, arguably, in Georgia history.

Frontline's legislative team with allies after a free speech victory

The Frontline Policy Action lobbying team is committed to excellence and ensuring strong coverage at our State House. We also purchased best-in-class grassroots tools to empower citizens to contact their legislator. More Georgians took advantage of our action alerts than ever before – making a huge difference in legislative impact.Frontline Policy Action also delivered massive wins in elections – serving Christians with voter information and winning our key races. We went 26-3 on primary night and then went 3-0 in target congressional endorsements in the runoff.

Our team has already done much to prepare for what lies ahead. We were the only pro-life group to rally in Georgia on December 1st – the day Dobbs was heard in the Supreme Court – and we took a bold stand the Friday after the leak with a press conference at the Capitol. Make no mistake about it: Frontline has been leading the charge in getting ready for a post-Roe world and achieving victory this November when life is very much on the ballot.

Frontline President Cole Muzio speaking at our Dobbs prayer rally

We are building for the day where ALL lives are cherished and protected in Georgia.In the coming months, Frontline Policy Council will be expanding services for its alliances, launching new pro-life initiatives, and hosting more educational opportunities. Please consider a generous tax-deductible donation to support these efforts.Frontline Policy Action is already getting ready for the 2023 legislative session – building our agenda and strategies for another bold and historic session. We are also engaging to ensure the allies we need to make that happen are victorious in November. Stand with us by donating $25, $100, $250, or more today!At our upcoming Gala, we will be sharing more about the BIG vision God is calling us to – a vision I believe will truly be transformative for our state. We are just getting started, I promise! To join Frontline for this can’t-miss event, get your tickets TODAY!Over the past year, our revenue has grown, and our team has doubled in size. The results have been profound, and the growth in success has been exponential. This is not because of me. It’s because GOD IS GREAT, and it is because you have been faithful.

Frontline Team at the Capitol

We are celebrating this month – one year since our launch – with a special fundraising push and encouraging everyone to attend our Gala. We are also rolling out many new announcements so stay tuned.Please consider donating to Frontline Policy Council or Frontline Policy Action – or purchasing a ticket or sponsorship for the United Frontline Gala – today. Your generous support will help us reach our $50,000 goal!If you are not in a position contribute financially, I completely understand. However, I do humbly ask for your prayers. We have a big lift, together, to glorify Him in our culture, our policy, and our politics.In Celebration of what HE has Done,

Cole Muzio


Frontline Policy Action & Frontline Policy Council


The Battle for Freedom Continues


God is good