They're going to replace him

I have never seen anything like what we witnessed last night. While we all knew that Joe Biden suffered from severe mental deficiencies, the degree to which the media, the elites, and the highest echelons of power have gone to cover it up were exposed.

What we saw last night was clear and evident elder abuse, and it was a hit job on display.

Call me a conspiracy theorist if you want, but Democrat operatives knew what was coming. They scheduled a debate earlier than ever in American history. They publicly took a week off to prep. They hyped expectations and hinged an entire campaign on the performance. They even mocked Republican assertions that Biden would have to be on drugs to perform.


Some of us may be inclined to pity President Biden. I do agree that we should be praying for him. 

Some may be inclined to spike the ball and celebrate at the crushing defeat of a political opponent. Donald Trump did, by virtue of a solid performance of his own versus an utterly inept performance by his opponent, win the debate.

However, here is the unfortunate truth: the Democrats are going to replace Joe Biden, and, in doing so, they will remove the albatross around their neck and be in a better position to win this election than they were prior to the debate.

For anyone tempted to think November just got easier, you are very likely mistaken.

Over the coming weeks, Democrats will scramble to figure out the rules, processes, and conversations needed to happen to replace Biden. Their strategy will need to be legally sound, and, no doubt, they've already been working on that. Optics are now their primary concern, and they will do everything they can to get Biden to go quietly. 

And, that is when the real race will begin – stand with Frontline Policy Action today with a $25, $100, $250, or greater donation before our crucial June 30 deadline so that we can defeat the pro-abortion, pro-child mutilation nominee for president in November!

Once Democrats replace Biden, there will be some short-term fallout for them. Confusion will be rampant, and there will be anger among independent voters that the party propped up a dementia patient. Additionally, the nominee they pick will not be as well known, and Trump will maintain – and maybe even grow – his current lead.

As the race heads into the fall, however, it will tighten, and the leftists will gain momentum.

Will our movement – will the Church – be ready? OR, will we have spent months taking victory for granted?

Despite the disastrous performance from Biden last night, this election is far from over. In fact, what happened on the debate stage was very likely a planned coup against Biden by the Democrat elites to remove their number one obstacle to victory: a nominee that the overwhelming majority of Americans agreed was too old and feeble to serve four more years.

But, as the Democrats prepare to replace Biden, they will simply replace him with a younger, more articulate candidate who shares his evil worldview. The replacement is a greater threat to our country, and we need to be ready.

Will you consider making a generous donation to make sure Christians across our state are ready to fight back?

As I close this email, I will remind you that, while we are watching history happen in these perilous times, we serve a God who is on the throne. Neither Biden nor Trump nor the elites nor the media nor whatever prop candidate the Democrats turn to are actually in charge… God is.

And, while the President of the United States is clearly mentally unfit, it is Him who has shown us mercy, sustained us, and allowed us to avoid war or direct attack – to this point – with this man in charge. And, while we are baffled and saddened to see our country in this state, it is Him who is seeing His plan unfold… a plan He assures us is for the benefit and good of those who love Him. 

Let us continue to put this election before Him.

For His Glory,

Cole Muzio
President, Frontline Policy

PS. Frontline has re-launched our “From the Frontline Podcast.” Click here to give our Debate Analysis episode a listen and make sure to subscribe to make sure you are updated when new episodes are released!


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Praying for the Debate