BREAKING: Frontline Announces Introduction of Pornography Age-Verification Bill

Today, I am proud to announce a significant milestone in our ongoing mission to protect the innocence and safety of our children.Frontline’s "Protecting Children from Online Pornography" bill, sponsored by Rep. Rick Jasperse, has been introduced in the Georgia Legislature. This bill is a bold statement of our unwavering commitment to the well-being and protection of our children.In an age where pornography sites receive more traffic than major social platforms, our children are increasingly vulnerable to the harmful effects of online pornography.As parents, we strive to create a safe environment for our children. In today's digital era, this must include protecting them from the harmful effects of online pornography.The statistics are alarming: children as young as 10 are being exposed to pornographic material, with millions of such videos viewed daily by minors. This exposure can lead to devastating consequences, including addiction, altered brain development, and a decline in academic performance.The "Protecting Children from Online Pornography" bill is our stand against this growing threat. It mandates stringent age verification on websites displaying pornographic content, significantly curtailing underage access. With this bill, we will preserve the innocence and ensure the healthy development of our children’s formative years.

Key Features of the Bill

  • Civil remedies against entities negligently exposing minors to harmful material without effective age verification.
  • Prohibition on retaining personal identifying information by websites.
  • Targeting commercial entities with substantial harmful content, exempting news and public interest broadcasts.
  • Provides civil remedy for damages and forbids websites from retaining personal user information.

Frontline stands at the forefront of this battle, but we cannot do it alone. Your support is critical in ensuring the passage of this vital legislation. A contribution to Frontline will enable us to continue our advocacy and ensure that our children grow up in a safer, healthier environment.Through this bill, we can make Georgia a leader in protecting our children from the pervasive harms of internet pornography, and your support will make a significant difference in our fight for the future of our children.We also encourage you to voice your support for this bill by writing to your legislator. To send an email to your legislator, please use our Action Alert link: Support HB 910 - Protect Children from Online Pornography.Thank you for your commitment to safeguarding our children. Together, we have the power to shape a future where our children can grow and thrive in a safer digital world.In His Service,Cole Muzio


Week 2 Session Recap


January 20, 2025